Sale: $4600
如題,35Wrms x2 at 8 ohms, as new 7591 x4, 6SN7 x2, 12AX7 x1, 5AR4 x1. Upgraded with 7591 DC balance and bias controls, 6SN7 driver ac balance control. 可以不用前級, CD直推。 117Vac input.
請参考網上Stephen H. Lafferty大作: mods.html
作者:hotiron 於 2020-03-07 19:03:34 發表
如題,35Wrms x2 at 8 ohms, as new 7591 x4, 6SN7 x2, 12AX7 x1, 5AR4 x1. Upgraded with 7591 DC balance and bias controls, 6SN7 driver ac balance control. 可以不用前級, CD直推。 117Vac input.
請参考網上Stephen H. Lafferty大作: mods.html
作者:hotiron 於 2020-03-07 19:03:34 發表