90年代NOS英國制造限量版鍍金60週年記念版Made in England in 1990s QUAD II 60 Anniversary Gold-plated Monoblocks 珍藏十多年未曾使用 應該是香港唯一一套行貨Official HK Import, QUAD 縂共只制造了600對 外型非常高貴獨特, 真似兩件金磚 ! 原裝英國音色並原廠改進鍍金輸入輸出接口再配上IEC電源綫等完美音響用家装置, 舊庒QUAD II 用家只能望梅止喝。
Mint NOS all new condition HK$75000 /stereo matched pair with original tubes and numbered certificate 有限量版號碼証書
Interested C'hing please PM with telephone/ Whatsapp
原廠包裝+限量版號碼証書 $75000 誠心有意請 PM 留聯絡電話/ Whatsapp
作者:hifisun 於 2017-02-24 16:59:54 發表
Mint NOS all new condition HK$75000 /stereo matched pair with original tubes and numbered certificate 有限量版號碼証書
Interested C'hing please PM with telephone/ Whatsapp
原廠包裝+限量版號碼証書 $75000 誠心有意請 PM 留聯絡電話/ Whatsapp

作者:hifisun 於 2017-02-24 16:59:54 發表