Mullard/Amperex 6CA7 EL34 O/DD-getters
測值全新或高測值 - fully tested on the Canadian Stark 9-66AU and Hickok TV-7B/U tube tester:
1. Amperex Bugle Boy DD-getter - Gm 5900/5800 @HK$2200/pair對裝
One unit has ‘xf1 L1H’ factory code marking
2. Amperex(Rogers) ‘xf1 x7G’ DD-getter - Gm 5900/5800 @HK$1900/pair對裝
其中一隻導柱已斷, 已貼上標記避免插瞻錯誤。
One unit has broken guide pin, sticker has been attached to minimise error.
同廠碼identical factory code (’xf1 x7G’ 38-58 J8)
Item 1 & 2 would make a very nice quad set @HK$4000/quad四隻
3. Mullard(RCA) O-getter 1969 - Gm 6250/6000 @HK$1800/pair對裝
(廠碼 ‘xf2 B9E4’,‘xf2 B9F2’)
4. Mullard(Philips) O-getter 1961/60 - Gm 5900/5900 < --- SOLD
(廠碼 ’xf2 B1C5’ QH , ’xf2 B0H5’ QH)
5. Mullard(GE) O-getter 1968 - Gm 5700/5900 @HK$800/pair對裝
(廠碼 ’xf2 B8J7’ PV , ’xf2 B8L2’ PV) possibly it was once operated for a
short period with leaky coupling capacitors, plate has burn-mark.
The minimum Gm requirement is 3780; new around 6000 according to the Stark 9-66AU manual (Canadian Hickok tube tester, similar to Hickok 533A, Hickok 750).
絕對正貨, 請安心購買。
市區地鐵站交收,例如 金鐘站Admiralty MTR Station.
I am a vintage hi-fi and electronic enthusiast; all vacuum tubes are my private collection from Canada. 所有出讓的真空管都是小弟私人收藏,從加拿大带返。
Please leave pm with telephone number. Thank you!
作者:tubepower 於 2017-02-25 12:39:01 發表
測值全新或高測值 - fully tested on the Canadian Stark 9-66AU and Hickok TV-7B/U tube tester:
1. Amperex Bugle Boy DD-getter - Gm 5900/5800 @HK$2200/pair對裝
One unit has ‘xf1 L1H’ factory code marking
2. Amperex(Rogers) ‘xf1 x7G’ DD-getter - Gm 5900/5800 @HK$1900/pair對裝
其中一隻導柱已斷, 已貼上標記避免插瞻錯誤。
One unit has broken guide pin, sticker has been attached to minimise error.
同廠碼identical factory code (’xf1 x7G’ 38-58 J8)
Item 1 & 2 would make a very nice quad set @HK$4000/quad四隻
3. Mullard(RCA) O-getter 1969 - Gm 6250/6000 @HK$1800/pair對裝
(廠碼 ‘xf2 B9E4’,‘xf2 B9F2’)
4. Mullard(Philips) O-getter 1961/60 - Gm 5900/5900 < --- SOLD
(廠碼 ’xf2 B1C5’ QH , ’xf2 B0H5’ QH)
5. Mullard(GE) O-getter 1968 - Gm 5700/5900 @HK$800/pair對裝
(廠碼 ’xf2 B8J7’ PV , ’xf2 B8L2’ PV) possibly it was once operated for a
short period with leaky coupling capacitors, plate has burn-mark.
The minimum Gm requirement is 3780; new around 6000 according to the Stark 9-66AU manual (Canadian Hickok tube tester, similar to Hickok 533A, Hickok 750).
絕對正貨, 請安心購買。
市區地鐵站交收,例如 金鐘站Admiralty MTR Station.
I am a vintage hi-fi and electronic enthusiast; all vacuum tubes are my private collection from Canada. 所有出讓的真空管都是小弟私人收藏,從加拿大带返。
Please leave pm with telephone number. Thank you!

作者:tubepower 於 2017-02-25 12:39:01 發表